Welcome to my website!

Hello, dear reading folk. Thanks for stopping by to check out my site!

I will be posting occasionally (but not too often, because that would just be obnoxious) with a wide range of content: new books or articles I’m working on; events or book clubs where I’ll be reading, signing, or speaking; just-released books or articles that excite or inspire me that I want to share; and maybe just the occasional photo of me sitting on a beach or making a pancake. 

And this site is very much intended to be a two-way street. Loved a book? Hated it? Thrilled? Confused? Whatever it is, I’d love to hear from you. Just fill out the easy form under the Contact tab and let me know of questions, critiques, or any other ephemera you’d like to share. 

Thank you so much for checking out my site, and being a part of my literary world. Together we turn the page.